During this past school year, Student Council has participated in a number of activities. Starting in September of 2022, we held a meet and greet with all of the new students. Then, we helped with the school’s Fright Night and assisted the Gifford Women’s Club in cleaning up garden beds at the South Park. In November, we honored our local veterans on Veterans Day with breakfast and a ceremony. Throughout the year, we were in charge of planning different spirit weeks. Moving forward to February of 2023, Student Council enjoyed making valentine decorations for the nursing home. One of the most impactful events we do is host blood drives. Since December of 2020, our blood drives have saved 410 lives and raised $1,659 for the school! With this money, we purchased new volleyballs and school supplies, a new big parachute, pickleball paddles, wiffle balls, and school supplies for each classroom. Over the period of a couple months we also sorted 100 pounds of plastic lids for a future buddy bench for the playground.
Student Council provides students with opportunities we wouldn’t otherwise have. I am glad that I decided to join Student Council because I made new friends in junior high and got to do fun crafts. I truly believe that we have made a difference in our school and community, and that is very important to me.
Submitted by: Brynn Nugent (8th), GGS Student Council Secretary